
Similar item - xs and sm

Toggle source (Jade)
	+item-thumb('#', false)
			null, null,
			null, [''],
			[90,70], [''])
			| Awesome guitar, used by Steve Vai
			b 3 
			| Bedrooms
			b  2 
			| Bathrooms
			| Level 2 location, Level 1 location
			strong Rs. 245,00,000 / month

Similar item - lg

The main difference between this template and the base template is that this version allows for the title and description to span over two lines.

Toggle source (Jade)
	+item-thumb('#', false)
			null, [''])
			| Awesome guitar, used by Steve Vai. This title is really long to illustrate what happens when the text spans two lines and then some. This is not normal but similar ads do not span this much width, typically.
			b 3 
			| Bedrooms
			b  2 
			| Bathrooms
				| MEMBER
			| Level 2 location, Level 1 location
			strong Rs. 245,00,000 / month